Code of conduct
All Trader’s Academy Students and any parties contributing to the Website must comply with the rules set out in this Code of Conduct.
Definitions used in this Code of Conduct have the same meaning as defined in the Terms and Conditions.
- Please remember that we (Trade Wars) are not responsible for any content posted in the Training Community or other Trade Wars online forums. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.
- The posts express the views of their author, not necessarily the views of Trade Wars or any other participants.
- Any participant who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
- You agree, through your use of the Training Community, that you will not use Trade Wars forums to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, constitutes hate speech or otherwise violates any law.
- Whilst humour is welcomed in the Training Community, it has to be balanced with a professional attitude. Flippant, derogatory and unnecessarily provocative comments must be avoided. All participants must be mindful of causing offence and be tolerant of alternative opinions.
- Confidentiality: Comments that are intended for the Training Community audience may not be intended for wider circulation. Postings to the Training Community should not be forwarded to another party without the consent of the originator (or other participants in the case of a conversational ‘thread’).
- We (Trade Wars Limited) treat all forms of abuse, bullying, intimidation, sexist and racist behaviour very seriously. You must not engage in any anti-social behaviour or abuse of any kind on any Trade Wars forum.
- Postings should not include any content that is libellous, pornographic, sexually or racially offensive, or otherwise illegal.
- Please extend courtesy to fellow participants at all times. Personal jibes & derogatory remarks will be actively discouraged. ‘Coded’ expletives in messages are not permitted (i.e. non-alphabetic characters disguising bad language).
- Please do not share the link to the Training session(s) with anyone else. Only Students who have been authorised by us in advance may attend, and any uninvited attendees will be removed from the session immediately.
- Do not give out any personal information online (names, address, phone number, email etc).
- Please be aware of your surroundings, particularly if your online activity enables you to share your video or microphone. Please turn off your video if any minor children are visible on your screen.
- Ensure that your back-drop is appropriate for a classroom setting, and if there is background noise please mute your microphone or stop the video as needed, until you are safely able to re-activate.
- Please do not take photographs of your screen or share any images of the online Training; this is for your safety as well as the safety of other participants and staff.
- Please contact a member of staff immediately if you become aware of anything abusive, upsetting or inappropriate.
- If your behaviour is inappropriate in any way staff will immediately mute microphone/stop video/stop chat access as needed and warn you that if the behaviour continues, you will be removed from the session. If the behaviour is serious enough you will be immediately removed from the session, and your place in the Training may be withdrawn.
- Participants must comply with staff requests.
- Make sure you respect the confidentiality of others and do not disclose any non-public information or personal information without consent.
- You are responsible for the content you post. This includes information, text, photos, messages etc. If you didn’t create the content that you post, it is your responsibility to ensure you have the necessary consents.
- Respect other participants. Set the tone for online conversations by being polite, open and respectful. It is not expected that you will agree with other participants at all times but it is expected that you write your comments in a respectful way.
- Any abusive, offensive or inflammatory posts or any comments which personally attack any individual will not be tolerated and will be removed.
- Participants are prohibited from using the Training Community for posting commercial messages or promotions, advertising, or selling goods or services.
- Participants are prohibited from using the Training Community for any purpose that may be illegal. For example, the Community may not be used to solicit or disseminate information having to do with, or to conduct any activity relating to, illegal drugs, pornography, gambling, spreading computer viruses, software infringement, trafficking in credit card codes, price-fixing, illegal boycotts, or other crimes.
- We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to (i) remove any posts or other content that is not consistent with this Code of Conduct or otherwise not in the best interests of Trade Wars, our Training or our Students; and (ii) suspend or terminate access to the Training Community for violations of these Rules or for otherwise acting in a manner contrary to the interests of the Training Community or Trade Wars.